Test subjects of power cables include the following: 1.Measuring insulation resistance 2 DC withstand voltage test and leakage current 3 AC withstand voltage test; 4 Measure the re...
Test subjects of power cables include the following: 1.Measuring insulation resistance 2 DC withstand voltage test and leakage current 3 AC withstand voltage test; 4 Measure the re...
The induction withstand voltage test measures vertical insulation withstand voltage. When power transformer coil is subjected to various overvoltage impacts, especially under effec...
The oscillating wave test system OWTS is used to identify, evaluate, and locate partial discharge (PD) faults in a cable insulation and in joints and terminations.
Stable Current: Primary Current Injecter Stable Current: Temperature Rise Test High Current Generator Impulse Current: High Impulse current generator